Culinary Classics® Crisp Food Container Redefines Fried Food Quality


(St.  Louis, MO) September 8, 2009 For years, the industry has struggled with a variety of packaging methods to heat, display and transport ready-to-eat fried food items, such as fried chicken, seafood, etc, balancing food quality along with food safety.Containers that were capable of retaining heat, also retained moisture, leading to sogginess and a degradation in food texture. Packaging that attempted to provide adequate ventilation to maintain food texture, frequently allowed product temperatures to drop below that which is allowable by local Health Department regulations.

With the new Culinary Classics Crisp Food Container from Anchor Packaging, both objectives are met. A classic 1-piece, black tray and hinged, clear, vented lid provide a proprietary engineering union in solving these problems, while providing excellent culinary presentation for crisp food menu items.

The Crisp Food Container uses an exclusive, patented, convection cross-flowTM ventilation design to relieve moisture and condensation, while maintaining product temperature. Through-the-closure ventilation, along with raised airflow channels in the base of the container, combined with venting in the anti-fog lid, ensure that fried foods remain crispy. The unique design of this packaging system retains internal temperatures better than the market-leading rigid container currently in use for fried foods. And, like all Culinary Classics, it is designed to withstand up to 230℉ when placed in warming unit displays and under heat lamps.

Independent, side-by-side tests at several leading retailers demonstrated that the Crisp Food Container outperformed the leading fried chicken container: Better texture, better temperature retention, better tasting fried foods.The Crisp Food Container holds up to 8 large pieces of chicken, as well a variety of other fried food items.It is made of polypropylene (#5PP), and is microwave-safe, dishwasher-safe, and consumer reusable and recyclable.

Anchor Packaging’s container product line includes upscale take-out packaging used for merchandising prepared ready-to-heat meals in supermarkets, take-out containers in restaurants and other foodservice operations. The Roaster® Series, Incredi-Bowls®, Culinary Classics®, Culinary Basics®, MicroRaves®, MicroRounds®, Gourmet Classics®, Microlite®, BonFaire®, DeliView®, and AnchorFoil® pans are among Anchor’s unique product lines. Anchor also provides custom package design and manufacture for many large food companies in the U.S. and Canada.
